The Diving Center at Maraina di Campo

The Diving Center and our Services

It doesn´t matter if you are a unexperienced or an experienced diver – SPIRO SUB DIVING always the best for you. Even if you don´t have a divebuddy, with SPIRO SUB DIVING you always will get one.
We offer for experienced divers diving without a guide in one of the best diving areas in the mediterin??? Sea. You get a briefing from divesite and you can go on your own, together with an other diver.
Maybe you are unexperienced, or you don´t like to dive on your own – no problem – it doesn´t matter. You can dive together with one of our experienced guides.

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Equipment rental

For all guests diving with us we dispose of the complete equipment for rent.

aa-tauchbetrieb-01Filling station

We also dispose of a filling station for the bottles for all our guests. A Bauer K15 compressor with an output of 500 litres air per minute makes the waiting short !

aa-tauchbetrieb-02Day Trips

With good wether conditions an minimum of 8 guests we offer during the high season one time a week a daytrip with 2 dives. We dive at divesites which are farer away than the usual divesites.


We are organizing also diving trips ( two tank dive ) to the protected area at the island of Pianosa. These dive sites were opened in the middle of 2013 – before it was not possible to do scuba diving there.

aa-tauchbetrieb-03Night Diving

Our night dives we do at Secca di Fonza, the nice and easy divesite for these dives. We nees a minimum of 6 divers for this

aa-tauchbetrieb-06Other nice and friendly offers

Every Friday evening we go to have dinner all together with our friends and divers and their families.

aa-tauchbetrieb-05Diving clubs

During the low season we diving clubs the posssibility to rent our boat ‘MARIANNA’. Someone from SPIRO SUB will just drive the boat, help with all the logistics and show the best diving places. For the organisation as well as for the lodging we are at your entire disposition in order to help.

Just ask us !

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Spiro Sub – Dive Center